Uwe DRINGENBERG • PIANist and Composer

Many and great sadnesses are chased away by music.

– Martin Luther

My music is not intended to entertain, rather it should create spaces and fill these with images that, however, first come into being in the head of the listener


Together, we shall embark on the journey inward - and find serenity, tranquility and relaxation....


My new program is entitled KlavierTraum and justly deserves its name. Those listening to these delicate piano compositions sense that music opens doors leading deeper into themselves.

Day dreams become a diversified voyage through soundscapes and aural topographies - the soul breathes a sigh of relief! 


Besides wistful, melancholic and yearning piano passages, there are also powerful, yet lighthearted, tones unfolding to fortify the listener. Ballads alternate with bursts of rhythm as well as one or two free improvisations.


KlavierTraum - modern instrumental music for relaxation and dreams


I'm delighted that you found your way to me!


Yours truly, Uwe Dringenberg


Kontakt & News

Uwe Dringenberg

Tel. +49-7134-4256





Klavierunterricht für






Uwe Dringenberg

Uwe Dringenberg, Klavierlehrer Eberstadt

Uwe Dringenberg

Pianist • Komponist


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